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Mobile Compactor Filing Cabinet For Offices in Malaysia

It can be challenging to keep files and documents properly stored and organized in a limited office space. This is especially true for corporate offices that have lots of paperwork. Besides that, without a proper and secured storage system in place, vital documents can sometimes get lost. It can also be time-consuming to look for […]

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Museum Storage Solutions

Artefacts are tangible objects that are created, used, kept and left behind by the ancient societies. Comprising artistic, historical, aesthetic, and/or spiritual values, these archaeological artefacts carry a wealth of information about the past generations that are bestowed for future generations. As a means of protecting these physical validations of our past, proper museum storage and archive center storage planning are required to downplay the risk of damaging precious artefacts. 

Museum display storage system featuring glass cabinets for showcasing art collections

While the skill of museum curators determines how well artefacts are preserved, choosing the right museum storage cabinets is equally important.

Having worked with internationally recognised museum institutions, Fortisco delivers customizable museum storage solutions that are perfectly suited to enhance and protect your museum collection. We can customise these solutions to adhere to your organization’s best storage guidelines.

How To Choose The Right Museum Storage Systems?

1. Understand Your Museum Storage Needs

  1. Go through your inventory. Understand what are the preservation requirements of different items in your collection, especially delicate items that may require special attention.
  2. The choice of museum storage systems is also very much depending on the size and shape of the artefacts. You may want to consider ordering customized museum storage cabinets for some of the items.

2. Calculate the physical space available.

  1. Pull out your building floor plan and find out how many square feet of available space you have.
  2. Do you have any unused vertical space?
  3. Understand how your staff work. Find out how much space is needed for workstations. 
  4. Understand your organization’s expansion plan. Estimate how many new items will be added to the collections each year, and plan the available space accordingly.

3. Exhibition Requirements

  1. Frontend and backend storage typically have different storage requirements.
  2. How do you want to organize the artefacts to create the best experience for your patrons? 
  3. If your organization is considering visibility storage, think about various ways that these collections can be displayed while stored in an optimal preservation environment.

Need help? Connect with our museum storage experts today. We provide a free consultation to help you discover storage options that are suitable for your organization.

Backend Museum Shelving and Archive Center Storage Solutions: 

Metal Drawer Cabinets For Small Artefacts

Small specimens, such as entomology artefacts, need to be securely concealed and preserved in a controlled environment. These specimens are often treated with chemicals to maintain their pristine condition for future scientific reference.

The chemicals necessitate that the storage cabinets for these artefacts be equipped with dividers in each drawer to accommodate and protect them. Hence, careful planning is essential to determine the optimal drawer configurations that will best preserve and secure these precious items.

Museum storage cabinets

Compactus® Shelving For Medium Sized Artefacts

Compactus® shelving system maximises storage space within the same footprint. This is because its interior is customisable to suit the height and size of the artefacts. Medium-sized artefacts, such as files, documents and sculptures, are best stored on these shelves as they provide high-density storage and are easily accessible.

Archive center storage

At Fortisco, we provide excellent archive storage solutions which can be tailored to the exact requirements of the archived materials and repository space. 

To further prolong the lifetime of these stored items, you may keep them in acid-free boxes. This is beneficial as they can be custom made to fully utilize each shelving space. In addition, metal shelving is also preferred to wooden shelves as the acid contained in wood or paper can cause paper, photos and textiles to yellow, or worse, grow fungus. 

museum storage

Long Span Shelving For Medium To Large Artefacts 

The long span shelving is a strong, flexible and economical shelving system. It is ideal to store a variety of items ranging from medium to large, heavy and bulky items. 

Long span shelving is modular. It incorporates a wide range of beams and frames, which makes it easy to configure to a variety of storage needs. It is easy to adjust shelf heights to easily fit artefacts to the shelving units.

You may want to invest in long span shelving system for flexible storage. 

Long Span Shelving

Alternatively, for more compact storage, you may also opt to place large artefacts such as furniture and doors on the mobile base of our Compactus shelving system.

Our mechanical hand crank mobile shelving system is capable of moving heavy objects. It is able to support maximum block weight of 15, 25 and 35 tons.

Museum Storage Large Artifacts

Cantilever Racks For Extra Long Artefacts

We recommend investing in cantilever racks to store long items, such as aboriginal weapons and antique pillars. 

Long artefacts require specialised continuous shelving that has no frame in between that restricts the space. 

Therefore, cantilever racks that have long, uninterrupted bays between frames, are the ideal storage solution for long artefacts.

Cantilever shelving racks

Frontend Museum Storage Systems: Display Solutions

Visible Storage Cabinets Enhance Visitor Experience

Unlike conventional exhibition that is less engaging, our visible museum storage cabinets emulate the new concept in Europe by storing artefacts in drawers that are covered with a glass on top. This allows visitors to view collections that are otherwise locked and hidden from public view.

Museum Display Shelving

This design triggers visitors’ curiosity as artefacts are kept in the drawers, waiting for the visitors to explore themselves. 

It also enriches the visitor’s experience as the act of pulling out drawers are very much similar to unboxing mystery treasure boxes.

Double Decker Compactus® Units Offer More Vertical Storage Space

While most museums only display 10 to 15 per cent of their overall collection, Fortisco’s innovative and modern museum storage concept allows artefacts to be properly stored and displayed at the same time. 

If your museum has high ceilings, you can consider installing double-decker high-density shelving systems to further increase your storage space.

museum storage compactus

Hanging Art Racks Allow Artwork To Be Individually Assessed

Among the various options, our wire mesh hanging storage stands out as a premier choice in artwork storage systems, perfectly suited for safeguarding fine art collections

hanging art racks perfrect for fine art storage

Explore the variety of High-Density Art Rack Storage solutions provided by Fortisco Malaysia, meticulously crafted for art storage and the preservation of fine art in galleries and museums.

Upgrade Your Museum Storage with Fortisco’s Innovative Solutions

Our past is where our future is. Museums and archive center preserve the past and tell the story of each precious artefacts. To keep up with the browsing behaviour of modern patrons, most museums in Europe are leveraging creative space-saving solutions to allocate more floor space for community activities. Besides introducing the idea of visible storage, museums are also organizing more workshops or engaging sessions to create a more exciting and dynamic learning environment for visitors.

Having more space and better storage management is crucial to the success of museums and archive storage centers. If you need help to plan the best storage systems ideal for your museum, feel free to contact our team at Fortisco Malaysia or fill up the inquiry form for a detailed museum storage plan today.


Western Australian Museum. (2017). Conservation and care of collections. Retrieved from https://manual.museum.wa.gov.au/conservation-and-care-collections-2017/

Compactus ® Mobile Shelving | Ideal Office Storage Solution

Expansion of office size and manpower is inevitable as your business advances to the next level. Instead of moving to a bigger location to accommodate your business expansion needs, you may also consider exploring a much more cost-efficient solution. Our Compactus ® mobile shelving system is a piece of space-saving furniture that can help you store more items in the same square foot. 


Benefits Of Compactus ® Mobile Shelving

Available in two modes, i.e. hand-cranked manual system and electrical, our Compactus® mobile shelving is a storage system ideal for corporate offices. Let’s delve into the benefits for both shelving systems.


1. Gain 50% More Office Storage Space

Compactus ® mobile shelving system offers more storage capacity through the reduction of walking space. You can easily install more shelves on the same floor layout.

Since mobile shelving requires only one access aisle, it prevents valuable floor space from going to waste. 

With Compactus ®, you can easily gain 50% more space. You can better utilize this extra space to set up more working desks, meeting rooms, lounge etc.

2. Organize Your Documents Effectively Through Our Colour Coded Filing Storage Solutions 

Besides being more visually appealing, our customizable office cabinets allow you to organise your shelves by colours and graphics. This comes in handy as it enables your operation tasks to run even smoother.

Compactus office filing cabinet

By just looking at the appearance of the customized filing cabinets, your staffs are able to indicate which panel to search for the files or documents that they need in no time. For instance, you may allocate red panels for the sales department and blue for the operation team.

3. Expand Your Office Storage As Your Business Grows in Malaysia

Every business starts on a small scale. But, even with limited capital at the beginning, you’re recommended to invest in Compactus ® mobile shelving as this storage system is expandable.

As your business gradually grows, you can easily extend your shelving system to meet your company’s increasing storage needs. If you have the mobile shelving railing installed upfront, it will not require a major renovation work to increase storage capacity at a later stage. You only need to install additional shelves to your storage system.

4. Secure And Protect Your Documents From Office Theft

With our Compactus ® office cabinets, you can now store those classified materials in the locked cabinets with no worries.

Our manual Campactus ® cabinets can be locked with the built-in lock (Euro lock) that is located in the last mobile cabinet while the electrical Campactus® cabinets can be protected by a PIN code and RFID tags per aisle. With that said, you may limit the authorisation of shelving units by assigning specific aisles to designated users or departments.


In a nutshell, our Compactus ® mobile shelving solutions can easily increase the office storage capacity without affecting the efficiency of storage and retrieval of documents. Our filing storage solutions provide convenience for all personnel without sacrificing aesthetics. 

Having years of experience working with office innovators and interior designers, designing and planning for space-saving custom office cabinets is our main area of expertise. 

Besides filing cabinets, our Compactus ® mobile shelving system can be customised to your organisation’s specific needs with different interior applications such as lockers, whiteboard, pantry and so on.

compactus mobile storage

Contact us at +603 6206 3339 / 3639 or fill in our enquiry form today for a free consultation. Our shelving specialists team from Fortisco Malaysia will assist you with the layout of your current storage system and provide design proposals that fit your office expansion objectives, storage goal and working style.

Mobile Shelving and Storage Solution

Fortisco organizes your space by providing innovative space-saving storage solutions from Europe. Our high-density mobile storage systems are sustainable and require minimal maintenance effort. Our custom storage solution is designed to maximize your space and at the same time flexible to cater to your business needs. We provide a one-stop space-saving solution in Malaysia. This […]

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Efficient Office Filing Storage Solutions in Malaysia

Efficient office filing storage solutions are vital in keeping an office well organized. An organized storage system not only keeps the office clutter-free but also increases the productivity of that office. Vice versa, a disorganized office filing system can cost us much productive time when looking for specific files or documents. For any office to […]

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Importance Of The Storage Solutions To An Organization

Storage is a very paramount aspect to consider in every business or service provider. Without the security of your working tools or business properties, you will be doing nothing without having secured your goods. That is why we provide the best storage solutions. At Fortisco Malaysia we ensure that your items are safe and secure […]

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Why Shelving Systems Is Important For An Organization

Shelving systems help you plan your office and store everything in a well planned and organized manner. A successful organization, there is an efficient and well-planned document storage system. It helps your office look spacious and neat. The require shelving systems nowadays is such as retail shelving, library shelving, military storage and healthcare storage. Here […]

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